
I am a husband, father, friend, theologian, marketer, designer, writer, volleyballer and basketballer. I currently serve as the Director of Marketing & Communications for Information Technology Services and the University Libraries at Baylor University. I also oversee the adult education ministry at Crestview Church of Christ. In have written several studies used in the adult education ministry at Crestview, including Called into God’s Service, and published several articles on theology and ministry.

This is my personal blog. It explores life at the intersection of theology, contemporary culture, and technology. My mission is to inspire people to think creatively and faithfully through the complexities (and perplexities) of modern living. Sometimes my writing will be explicitly theological, sometimes it will explore key moments in contemporary culture, and it will always raise compelling questions worth thinking about.

I dream of posting once per week, but posts often appear much less frequently. To ensure you do not miss anything, subscribe via RSS or email. To get a sense for my writing, read my annual reflections on the SXSW Interactive conference or my series on Arcade Fire’s Reflektor. You can also review my blog’s archive or search for key terms in posts on the blog.

A Bit About Me

I was born in El Paso, Texas, while my father was finishing up his military service during the Vietnam war. Following his formal discharge, we moved to Southern California where I was raised. I attended schools in Port Hueneme, California, and graduated valedictorian of my high school class. I was blessed to attend Pepperdine University where I received an undergraduate degree in Public Relations with a minor in Christian Thought and Ethics. After marrying my best friend, Chantal, whom I met during my sophomore year at Pepperdine, I stayed on to complete a Master of Divinity degree while serving as an intern in the campus ministry of the University Church of Christ.

With a goal of ministering to college students through the classroom, I was graciously accepted into the Ph.D. program in Religion at Baylor University. After completing my coursework and passing my qualifying examinations, I was offered a visiting position in the Religion Division at Pepperdine University. I served on faculty for three years teaching courses in theology and ethics, New Testament, systematic theology and film. My faculty experience caused me to question my fit within the world of higher education. My questioning convinced me to leave the Ph.D. program (I received a second Masters degree in Religion) and I moved back toward public relations, marketing and communications.

Since formally leaving the Academy, I have served in marketing and communications, information technology, and student services roles at both Pepperdine University and Baylor University. I currently serve as Director of Marketing & Communications for Information Technology and University Libraries, where I oversee a team of full-time staff and interns in an integrated marketing environment where we serve our clients with great PR/marketing strategy, print design, digital design, web content, social media, and copywriting.

I have been married to Chantal for twenty-seven years. We have two amazing children and live in Waco, Texas.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with Chantal and my children, visiting with friends, playing basketball, playing volleyball, reading, watching movies and listening to music.

Contact Me

You can contact me via email, follow me on Twitter or Instagram or friend me on Facebook.

Technical Details

My blog is built on WordPress and is hosted by BlueHost.

1 Comment

  1. Wayne Parker

    Really enjoy your hearing you teach. Looking forward to getting more insight from you.


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